Authenticity – At The Waterbrook church, we believe that true authenticity begins when we have that life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. It is His lifethat produces true Character, genuineness and undisputed credibility.
Commitment – At The Waterbrook church we believe that we have all been placed here for a specific assignment. Understanding our purpose enables us to passionately pursue God’s plan for our lives and to truly make an impact on the earth.
Connection – At The Waterbrook Church we believe that it’s a team sport. God has created each one of us for interdependence and connection. As we link arms, we bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Discipleship – We believe in our eternal destiny as Ambassadors of Christ. We are committed to winning the Lost, training the won and releasing the trained! This is the essence of our mission- make disciples.
We believe… In one true God Manifested as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe… That all scripture is inspired by God, and that the bible is our authority for faith and conduct.
We Believe… That man, although created upright, sinned against God and fell from His grace, thus dying spiritually. His only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus.
We Believe… That the Church is the Body of Christ, comprised of believers born of the spirit of God, all vital to the fulfillment of the great commission and fully equipped for the word of service.
We believe…In the Lord’s Supper as a reminder of Jesus suffering and death.
We Believe… That Jesus Christ is coming back again to gather all his saints to heaven.
We Believe… in the resurrection of the dead, after which there will be a final judgment, where those who believe will be ushered into God’s eternal kingdom, and those who have not accepted the redemptive work of Christ which suffer eternal damnation.